Board of Education
The Pavilion Central School Board of Education is a separate body responsible for the oversight and management of the Pavilion Central School District's business, personnel, and properties. As the corporate body, the Pavilion Board of Education is designated as the official policy making body for the district.
The Pavilion Board of Education conducts itself under the provision established under the Department of Education of New York State and the NYS Board of Regents.
The Pavilion Board of Education shall consist of seven (7) members elected by the qualified voters of the School District at the annual election as prescribed by law. Each of the members of the Board of Education shall serve for five (5) years.
Board of Education elections are held in May, along with the annual budget vote. Individuals interested in running for the Board of Education must meet the qualifications as outlined in the Budget newsletter.
Board of Education seats are completely voluntary and the members serve without compensation.
Board Meeting Schedule
Pavilion Central School is now using Board Docs to house their meeting agenda and minutes. As of April 12, 2023, please use the link below, called Agenda and Minutes beginning 4/2023 to access this information.
To view approved minutes beginning 4/2023 follow the link below and then select the date of the meeting you'd like to see, then select the view minutes button.
Public Comment Request Form
Please use the link below to access the Public Comment Request Form for Board of Education Meeting