Welcome to Dorothy B. Bunce Elementary School
We thank you for trusting our teachers, staff, and administration to lead our students on this educational journey!

Jon Wilson-Elementary Principal
The teachers, students, and staff would like to welcome you to Pavilion Elementary School! This school is home to approximately 330 students from PreK to 5th Grade and roughly 50 teachers and staff. At our school, we are dedicated to providing a learning environment in which students know they are safe and cared for, while also challenged to reach their fullest potential. Our emphasis on teamwork, culture, and collaboration drive our efforts on a daily basis. Lastly, the partnership we share with our parents and families is second to none, and we are proud to work so closely together to support our kiddos!
Instructional Focus:
As one of our district goals this year, our focus will be on key elements of effective instruction and increasing the level of proficiency across all content areas. To do so, we will establish clear objectives for learning and ensure alignment of these objectives to our checks for understanding, as well as increase the amount of reading, writing, and discussion our PCS students accomplish during the school day. With the support of our phonemic awareness/phonics based instruction, the second year with our robust ELA program, Wit & Wisdom, and the roll out of our new Greg Tang math program, our students will continue to grow in these key foundational areas!
Social Emotional Learning (SEL):
Refinement of our district-wide SEL will continue with a major push from the principles of Restorative Practices. For the elementary school this includes our focus on “leadership” and Community Circles. These Community Circles, which are often called Restorative Justice Circles, create trust and build relationships among a group of students and educators who have a shared interest. This practice is great for building a community of learners. Community Circles highlight common struggles and successes that students are experiencing. This practice builds empathy, giving students an opportunity to speak and listen to one another in an atmosphere of equality and safety.
Family Engagement:
As I have shared with our families many times, your partnership and input in your child’s education and overall experience is invaluable to us. Using our new platform, ParentSquare, as well as traditional phone calls and parents conferences, our teachers will work to create even more collaborative partnerships with our parents and guardians. We also have some great resources to share with you to help strengthen your understanding of how your child is doing in school, as well as some guiding resources to drive those learning conversations at home.
Raising our children takes a village and we look forward to working with you as we continue our journey together! As always, if you have any questions, feel free to call us at 584-3011.
All the best,
Mr. Wilson
Elementary Principal