School Bus Drivers needed - tell your friends!
Immediate Full-time and substitute positions available
Full-time wages with part-time hours!
PAID TRAINING AVAILABLE to help you obtain a school bus driving license.
Full-time wages:
- $22.22 per hour – per current contract
Full-time benefits:
- Family medical and prescription coverage
- Paid Sick Leave and Personal time
- NYS Retirement
Substitute wages:
- $18.50 per hour with experience
- $18.00 per hour without experience
Substitute benefits:
- NYS Retirement
All positions subject to pre-employment and random drug/alcohol testing, physicals and meeting 19-A requirements.
To apply, submit completed Genesee County Civil Service application to:
Pavilion Central School District
Attn: Tom Hart
7014 Big Tree Road
Pavilion, NY 14252
Contact Mary Jo Pahl at to request an application or see our website – to review our online application procedures. Contact Tom Hart, Head Bus Driver with any questions at 585-584-9980.
You can also apply online through either recruitfront or WNYRIC