Girls Sectional Basketball

Fall sports schedules for JV and Varsity sports are available online

Pavilion community and little league night at the Muckdogs. June 23rd https://can-usasports.formstack.com/forms/pavilion

Universal Pre-Kindergarten Parents! This is just a reminder that our UPK Parent Night is next Wednesday, June 5th at 7:00 in our elementary library. Please refer to the letter we previously sent or contact our elementary office if you have any questions.

The Thirst Project is doing its annual Chipotle fundraiser on Tuesday June 4th from 4-8pm. The Thirst Project is a non-profit organization whose goal is to raise money as well as awareness towards communities who don't have access to clean safe drinking water. Please come out to the Chipotle in Batavia on the 4th as 25% of sales goes towards our goal. When ordering in the restaurant show them this flyer or say that you are supporting the Thirst Project Verbally. If this is not done the percentage of your sale does not go to us. Thank you

A couple of important reminders for PCS. First, a reminder to Pavilion district residents that today is the annual budget vote. Voting is open today at the high school auditorium foyer from noon to 8PM. We have an elementary concert this evening at 6:30 pm and our MHS Art Show is on display as well so we hope to see you then.
Next, a reminder that students and staff will have this Thursday, Friday and Monday off for Memorial Day weekend. The holiday break is extended due to having unused snow days.
We hope everyone enjoys the holiday weekend.

Superintendent Kate Hoffman and Business Official Donald Childs provide information on the 2024-2025 proposed school budget.

We are pleased to share that Pavilion MS/HS has received the rating of "Best High Schools" by the U.S. News & World Report. This designation is determined through an analysis of school graduation rates, AP course participation, college readiness matrixes, exam results in reading, math, and science. We are grateful for the hard work and effort in our community to achieve some excellent results. Overall, PCS MS/HS was #3 in our region, #300 in New York State, and #3,160 in the nation. We are confident our ranking will only continue to grow in the future.

Congratulations to the Pavilion-York baseball team for capturing the LCAA Divsiion 3 title. Today they play in the championship of the Attica tournament at 10!

Memorial Day weekend basketball camp at PCS

Our traditional senior celebrations are upon us as we inch closer to graduation. Today we announced The Top 10 (based on GPA). We wish to congratulate these fine young men and women for their dedication and hard work through their high school careers.

Thanks to Mr. Banser and Miss Adams for taking 4 of our athletes to the Section V sportsmanship summit in Geneseo today. They participated with over 20 other schools on team building and sportsmanship concepts. Also got to see Scott Fitch's "Pause Before You Post" program.

PCS Hall of Fame now accepting applications

Practices for JV and Varsity sports begin on Monday March 11th! Register your athlete so they don't have to miss any practice time!

Spring sports registration is now open for JV and Varsity sports. Practices begin on Monday March 11th!

PCS Hall of Fame now accepting applications

PCS Hall of Fame now accepting applications

Spring sports signup and registration information. Signups are going on currently in Phys Ed classes