Day 2 Start the conversation-What impact might a digital footprint have on your future?
Day 1 Start the conversation-What impact might a digital footprint have on your future?
It's time for Pavilion Central School History Trivia! Trivia questions will be posted on Tuesdays and answers on Friday. We hope you enjoy learning about PCS history and sharing your answers and information! Thank you Mr. Dick Heye for sharing your resources!
Parents-Don't forget our PTO Gopher Gear Sale closes tomorrow, Jan. 31st. This sale includes the updated "Pavilion Pride T-shirts" that all the students wear at the low cost of $3.00 for our students. (use code: pavilion). See the link below.
Congratulations Lauren! Signed her letter of intent to play basketball next season at Gannon University!! #GopherbecomingaKnight
The week of January 30, 2023. Wishing you a fabulous week!
A Winter Wonderland Formal Ball!
Winter spirit week begins next week.
All after school and evening activities at Pavilion Central School are cancelled for today, Wednesday, January 25th due to poor weather conditions.
Stay safe Gophers!
Todas las actividades extracurriculares y nocturnas en Pavilion Central School se cancelan para hoy miércoles 25 de enero debido a las malas condiciones climáticas.
¡Manténganse a salvo Gophers!
A Parent's Guide to The Digital World. This week's focus is on Social Media!
Go to for more information
No School on Friday, January 27, 2023
Mrs. Joy's grade 3 students participated in a tableau where they had to
become a stage of the Apollo 11 mission to space (Mission Control,
preparing the astronaut suits, the public watching from home, the
astronauts walking into the spacecraft).
The week of 1/23/23
Registration is now open for modified swimming which will start Monday Feb 13th in York.
Click the following link
New school record in the 200 Medley Relay!
Kendall swam the backstroke
Elliana swam the breaststroke
Ariana swam the butterfly
Lily the freestyle
Congratulations to all!
Tractor Safety Program
Forth grade students in Mrs. Smith's class completed a unit including poetry and novels by author Sharon Creech. They wrote to Ms. Creech and shared their favorite parts of the books, poems they enjoyed, pictures they drew, and asked her questions. They were beyond excited that this author took the time to write a thank you note to the class and respond to all of their questions! Thank you Sharon Creech!
No School January 27, 2023 for Superintendent Conference Days
No School in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.
Week of January 16, 2023